Taro & Salted Egg Cheesecake 愛芋鹹蛋
Come try our Easter special - Taro can be found in many classic delicious Asian desserts and salted egg on the other hand is a popular Cantonese delicacy, which I must admit it's for everyone, but hello...how can we spend Easter without some eggs?! If you want to try something unconventional this Easter month, this limited edition Taro & Salted Egg Cheesecake is for you! It is so yummy!! **Please place your ordered before 18/4 though.
- Size 5” 適合1-4人享用 (serves 1-4)
- Size 7” 適合1-6人享用 (serves 1-6)
- Size 9” 適合1-12人享用 (serves 1-12)
Minimum 48 hours pre-order (please contact us if you need a delivery sooner, a premium charge will apply).
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
- 2個工作天前訂製
- 以電話號碼提取
- 一經付款後不能退款或改期(特別情況除外)
- Minimum 48 hours pre-order (please contact us if you really can’t wait, well you may have to pay more though…)
Size 5” 適合1-4人享用 (serves
Size 7” 適合1-6人享用 (serves
Size 9” 適合1-12人享用 (serves
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
- 包蛋糕刀1把、蠟蠋2支
- 請以禮及溫柔相待
"A little decadence per day
helps to keep the binges and bad choices away." So what are you waiting for? Let's eat cake!
Pick-up details:
* 訂取蛋糕當天油麻地店自取,時間為 2 - 7:00PM
* 如當天未能親自提取,請自行安排運輸來店送貨
* 客人要承擔運送途中一切意外損毀,蛋糕出門恕不負責